Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Random thoughts on a rainy Tuesday night

This is a completely useless blog post. I'm painting my nails blue while watching the Bachelorette. Just made myself a peanut butter and banana milkshake. Must. Start. Diet. Tomorrow. Shelly fed me yummy leftovers at lunch, and then she had a plethora of desserts! Sheer deliciousness. Lots and lots of carbs.

It was a good day today. I made a LOT of phone calls and also learned that when people don't remember my name, they call me "Cutie" or "Beautiful" (via networking events). I made some good contacts today though! But I certainly am tired, thank goodness for Coffee and Diet Coke to get me through the days. What on earth is gonna happen when I have to start taking classes? Speaking of, I need to sign up for them. Katie's Pirate Booty is going to grad school!

I suppose I am gonna finish painting my nails. But before I sign off, I want to plug my new favorite social network: 20-something bloggers. http://20somethings.ning.com/ Its a great community for, well, exactly what the title suggests. I am loving being able to connect with people my age. Not that I don't love networking in Apex and Cary- don't get me wrong, it is a lot of fun, but this is a great way to meet people all over the world! All you 20-something's out there with blogs... Check out this network and join it!


  1. Yes, 20sb is a great community, welcome! I am a dessert-aholic, and also live off of coffee and diet coke. So, you're in good company! :)

    Who are your faves on the Bachelorette? I still have to watch last night's episode, but Jake, Kipton, Ed, and Reid are my favorites!

  2. Jake, definitely. He seems a little mysterious and he is just so so so cute!! I'll be curious to hear your reaction about this past episode.. gotta love DVR. I'm glad that show isn't as popular anymore and you can watch it a few days later without the rose ceremonies being spoiled. I also think Reid is really cute!

  3. Hi Katie! Nice to "meet" you! I actually just moved from Raleigh a few weeks ago (I finished my Master's at NCSU a year ago) but I'm still in NC! Look forward to reading more from you!

  4. I adore the 20SB network.. and not JUST because they made me their feature this month :-)


So now that you've heard all of my thoughts, I want to hear yours!

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