Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Err I mean Knoxville here I come/I'm getting a haircut

It turns out they have decided to place the job in Knoxville, TN which is a quick 8 hour drive up to my family in Michigan and an even shorter 6 hour drive home to Raleigh!

I accepted the job offer officially today. I can't wait! I start technically on July 20th. I will be flying up to Chicago for the week to attend the quarterly sourcing meeting. Then I get to come back home for a week to pack up and move. And then I start work at the Maryville, TN plant on August 3rd. I will be working in the plant that makes Sharpies! I wonder if I will get a buzz? Haha, just kidding. I'm sure I will be in an office or at least a cubicle, but it will be cool to be working in a real manufacturing plant since those are few and far between in the United States now-a-days.

Me and my family are going to Knoxville this weekend to pick out an apartment for me and to check out the city. I am thinking that I want to live in Knoxville. I found a great apartment online today that is located near the UT Medical School. Apparently a lot of grad and medical students live there, so it might be a great place for me to meet people *ahem* cute, male residents *ahem* and I will have a roommate so I will not be as lonely as I was in South Carolina when I worked for Target.

Dude, today I went on my first appointment! The woman was straight up crazy, like one of those people who can't look you in the eye crazy. But, she seemed like she really liked the advertising opportunity and most importantly, her husband who she brought with her really liked it. And, they drove off in a new, pearly white Mercades, so I know that they have enough money...

Anyways, my dad just got home from teaching this evening so I am gonna chat with him! More to come.

Lets see, I still have to write about the crazy train people, pictures from Baltimore, and my internship at Target.

Edit: I have decided to get a hair cut tomorrow. A real big girl haircut with highlights and everything! Because everyone thinks that I look 16, I figure I can throw a little money at the hair dresser and hopefully they will do the job right haha. I only say that because highlights are expensive. Here is a picture of my inspiration and hopefully it will look good and I will post some pictures for all to see! Speaking of, I need a new digital camera...


  1. Sad you won't be with me next year :( but congrats! It sounds like an amazing opportunity. Keep me updated on what it's like in the "real world."

  2. Thanks, Morgan! I know, I was really excited about it too... but its almost impossible to say no to an opportunity like this. I will still be going to ECU though, just as an online student taking one class at a time.

    I will keep you posted. I guess I need to change my blog description haha. And please, keep me posted as well. We might end up taking some of the same classes still.

  3. Ahh cute hair cut! I can't wait to see how it turns out! :)


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